**本如下** 演出者可整容
都是人的 It is man's fault
(精版: 演出控制在5分)

Cast : God, Tree, River, Bear, Man


午安 各位 我是第18 我今天的表演名 "都是人的" 在始
Good afternoon! Everyone. We are number 18. Our show today is "It's man's fault". Here it goes...

第一幕 Act 1

上帝:右手著地球唱(音:世界在我手上)世界在我手上 人是善良的 物是快的 世界在我手上 ...
God: (music: I've got the whole world in my hand. People are very good in my hand. All is very happy in my hand. I've got the whole world in my hand.)

:I'm Mighty God. Everyday I've got to mind people's happiness and tears.

大:上帝啊 上帝啊
Save me! Mighty God. Save me! Mighty God

上帝:有人在祈了(呼叫了) 我看看生了什事(拿出望 …)
Oh! Someone is praying (calling). Let me see what happened.

人:唱:我是世上最快的人(x2). :你好 我是人先生 噢! 好大棵哇! 唱:我砍 我砍 我砍那 我到砍砍 我能用造多美的椅子 E-I-E-I-O 太棒了 (砍扭身)
(Tune: Old MacDonald had a farm)
Hello! I'm Mr Man. Wow! What a big tree! I'm the happiest man in the world. E-I-E-I-O!
I chop, chop here! Chop, chop there! Here chop, there chop, everywhere chop, chop. I can make many wonderful chairs. E-I-E-I-O!... Great!

大:能主(x2) 我 不要不 你看看人 他所能 置我於死胡同(路) 救救我 我 此苦痛
(Chant ) 跪下手向天祈求
Mighty God!(X2) Listen to me. Never stop. See this man, do what he can, put me down to the dead lane. Save me. Help me. Get off the pain!

上帝:我知道了 我取行的
I see. I'll do something.



小河:上帝啊 上帝啊
Save me! Mighty God Save me! Mighty God

上帝:有人在祈了(呼叫了) 我看看生了什事(拿出望 …)
Oh! Someone is praying (calling). Let me see what happened.
(小河展舞布卷, 其上附有及的案)
小河: 我是河先生. 我每天都跟我的物和玩耍 我是多快 但是有一天 了人
I'm Mr River. I played with my pets, fish and shrimps everyday. We were so happy. But one day, two men came...

人甲乙:(合唱 歌曲:美的星期天)
哈!(x3) 好美的天 我到河床上烤肉吧!看些都是我最的食物 噢!(x3)好了!(x3) 是美好的一天
(作: 唱走向河 拿出罐啤酒喝)
(Tune: Beautiful Sunday)
Ha!(x3) Beautiful sunny day. Let's go bar-be-cue on the river bed. See these fish, shrimps are all my favorite. Oh!...My(x3) It's a beautiful day.

人甲乙:喝酒!(x2)! 乾杯後罐子倒晃下就往河身上
Cheers! (x2) ….. 不, 用作表示

二人喝的醉醺醺的 倒西歪地, 留下一堆垃圾於河先生身上

小河:能主(x2) 我 不要不 你看看人 他所能 置我於死胡同(路) 救救我 我 此苦痛
(Chant ) 跪起 手向天祈求
Mighty God!(X2) Listen to me. Never stop. See this man, do what he can, put me down to the dead lane. Save me. Help me. Get off the pain!

上帝:我知道了 我取行的
I see. I'll do something.


大在中,一始人追著大熊跑(大熊似乎受了走路一拐一拐的), 著大跑 人追唱 後熊躲在後面 人找不到 失望地

人唱: (歌:老虎) 你去那? 熊先生 我你的手 它很好吃
Where are you going,(x2) Mr. Bear?(x2) Give me your hands.(x2) They taste good.(x2)

人找不到 面四方大叫: 熊先生 你在那? 我需要你
Mr Bear. Where are you? I need you.
找不著 失望地走

大熊人走後 由後出
大熊唱:(歌:人知道我的苦楚)人知到我所遇的苦楚 除了我的朋友外,人知道 --音低沉,慢且悲
(Tune: Nobody knows but Jesus)

Nobody knows the trouble I've seen. Nobody knows but my dear friends.

大唱:我可的熊先生,生了甚事? 你能我知道, 的?
What happened, my poor Mr. Bear? Can you let us know, my dear?

小河:喔 我的天 你的手 你的手….它在流血呢
Oh! My Goodness! See your hands. They're bleeding.

熊 () 人追我 作他的食物 我不能跑 我不能跳 我不能再像以前那活了
Man chased me. For his meal, I can't hop. I can't run! I can't do what I've ever done.

物跪下呼():噢! 能主(x2) 我 不要不 你看看人 他所能 置我於死胡同(路) 救救我我此苦痛
Mighty God!(X2) Listen to me. Never stop. See this man, do what he can, put me down to the dead lane. Save me. Help me. Get off the pain!
(移至 做哭泣 祈求)

上帝(非常生): 我知道了 我立刻取行
I see. I'll do something right now.

上帝: (say)低沉,抖的音 我的子民啊!!
Come to me!~ ~ ~ My child. Come to ME! (最後ME大吼)

What happened? Anything wrong?

Look there!
熊河看到人後同尖叫: 他出了 他十字架(x2)
He is here. Crucify him!(x2) (拿十字架大喊後向人)

人: 噢,天哪! 小到那去了?
Oh, My! Where are the birds?
唱: 不再唱歌
(sing) No more singing... ing的尾音拉.

人: 熊那不了?
What's wrong with the bears?
熊唱: 不再跳
(sing) No more hopping...

人: 又那不了?
And what's wrong with the fish?
河唱: 不再游泳
(sing) No more swimming...

人(懊地):唉 我太自私了 都是我的 我不再做那些事了 我保 你我的朋友? (捶胸足,下跪求)
Oh! I'm too selfish. It's my fault. I'll never do that again, I promise. Would you all be my friends?

大,小河 熊接受人的 : Hmmm…, OK! 走向人其扶起
上帝再次拿起地球,笑咪咪的物合唱(音)世界是美好的 人是善良的 物是快的……
He's got the whole world in his hand. People are very good in his hand. All is very happy in his hand. He's got the whole world in his hand.

(幕) 表演束
We end our show here. Thanks for watching.

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